The Vow


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He took a deep breath.

Ever since he was at least 13 or 14 years old, (he couldn’t remember exactly when, but what did that matter anyhow?) he had sworn that no matter what, he would write his own vows. He wasn’t having any of that unscriptural, “for better for worse, for richer for poorer” nonsense. “Who says that?” He would remark with the tone he always used when something greatly agitated him, along with his complimentary hand gestures. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been promised wealth, health and abundance by God! Why would I negate that with what i say? When i say ‘in sickness and in health…’ doesn’t that indicate that I’m expecting sickness? Doesn’t that indicate that I’m making God a liar, when he said I was already healed? No now…you guys are laughing but I’m serious. That’s how I see it sha. And I can’t act differently from the revelation I have.”

He snapped out of his reverie to admire the breathtaking beauty that stood before him. She was dark, no doubt. Dark and lovely. Her voice was music to his ears, even when she simply whispered. Her smile brightened his day, and her eyes captured the attention of his heart. Everytime.

She wore no veil. He was absolutely adamant on that point, as well as several other dismissals of popular wedding culture, as much as he could get away with doing away with.

He cupped her face in one hand, and she responded to his touch. As always. His eyes, expressive as ever, communicated the depth and sincerity of his love. Then he spoke, his voice sure, steady, as confident as his love for her, her love for him, and God’s love for them.

“My love, my bride, my precious one, my jewel, my crown, my dove. My pride and joy, my priceless gem, my diamond…finally. Finally the day has come. The day when the world witnesses our union, the union our Father ordained before the foundation of the world. Not as though we haven’t already been united; for you were in me when I was created. The Father created one man, male and female created He us.

I have no doubt whatsoever that we stand here right now in the centre of the will of God. I believe and so I speak. I call forth those things that are not like they are, and they begin to exist.

And so today, as it was in the beginning, when God brought Eve to Adam, I recognize you as my suitable helper and companion. I declare in the assembly of the brethren: you are now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. I call you my Queen, for royalty we are. Three nations are in your womb. Today I call you blessed. Today I call you my wife. Today I call you me, for you were taken out of me.

I will be the man you need, in every way, at every time, always following the leading of the Spirit of God, even as I lead you. You have no need to fear, my love, for I honour my word more than my name, and I will zealously watch over it, and perform it.

I love you as Christ loves the Church. We are going to show the world what love means. Nothing can ever separate you from my love. Nothing. I love you forever, no matter what, with all my heart, and even death cannot separate us because we live forever.”

He paused the video and looked at her face. She was blushing furiously, trying to use her hands to hide her face. He gently pried her hand from her face, looking at her straight in the eyes. “How am I doing, so far? Rate me.” “Baby…I rate you hundred percent! You are ma shaa Allah” He laughed. Then he kissed her, and she felt her body melt for the millionth time.

“Jeez! Guys! Take it inside! I’m going to have a visitor very soon. Didn’t you hear me! Hey! Break it up!”

“Ooooh…Taiye, what’s your own? Go and marry! Abi…is it your wife? Baby we need to go on our second honeymoon sharp sharp jare…all these jealous children!


Day 60: 60 Days of Awesome!


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I would have said I can’t believe it, but it’s happening like I knew it would, only bigger,so I better believe it! I started the 60 Day Writing Challenge ‘like play, like play’, on the 16th of May 2015, and it was awesome all the way!

I had a note on my computer where I wrote out a pool of topics for days when I would be ‘dry’ of inspiration. Also just something I could draw on if I needed to.

I never used even one.

There was always something fresh to write on everyday. Inspiration from above! Sometimes, two, three articles a day. As a matter of fact, I wrote some finished pieces I didnt release to the world. I still wrote quite a number of unfinished pieces though, mostly rap verses.

“A lot can happen in three days
All my brothers know this”

Truly, if a lot can happen in three days, then a whole lot more can transpire within the course of 60 days. And a lot did.

I’ll briefly outline some of the important things that happened in the last 60 days and some of the lessons i learnt.

1. Just do it!
I wrote about this on Day 31. There’s a lot of paralysis that tends to accompany (over)analysis, such that, in the bid to plan every single detail of an endeavour, you end up not doing what you set out to do.
That’s not the best.
I believe that what is ideal is this. Start something. Just start. Just begin to do. Learn as you go. Of course, make adequate preparation, as much as you can, but ‘preparation’ should not be a crutch that hinders you from doing the actual stuff. Once you’re sure of what it is you want to do, do it!
Dive into the ocean headfirst, and, one way or the other, you will learn to swim!

2. You are a writer
Yes, you! Stop looking back! Believe me, if you can think and speak, you can write! I started a group page on Whatsapp for those who would like to follow the progress of my challenge on the suggestion of a friend.
Most members of the group would keep saying “I’m not a writer!” And they would go on to write amazing and inspiring articles.

3. The power of platform, community and accountability
The Whatsapp group page provided a platform for people to be inspired to express themselves. It served as a community of writers that spurred readers to become writers. It helped discipline me, as I would know that, no matter how much I procrastinate or dilly-dally, I had an audience who would have me for breakfast the next morning (or a midnight snack!)

4. Writing is therapeutic
I went through some emotional higgy-hagga. And writing for the past sixty days really helped me let it out.
Writing can be really useful as a healing tool, a reeling tool, a feeling tool and a drilling tool! Writing can help you really explore and explain what you feel, how you feel and why you feel that way, even when you don’t know.

5. Do what you enjoy
Its that simple, really. We were created to enjoy life.

6. Say what you want
Say exactly what you want to say, exactly how you want to say it, regardless of whose ox is gored. Express yourself freely.

They said “Why would you say that?”
I said “Is it your say?”

7. Have a life
One of the things that really kept the challenge fun and exciting for me from day to day was the fact that each day’s activities gave me something to write or reflect on.
Most of my poems were based on my worldview, and current circumstances in my mind and (love)life. I even wrote articles in fact, fiction and faction genres.

7. The myth of inspiration
A lot of times, when people are asked why they don’t write, or don’t write often (or do any other thing for that matter), they often blame it on ‘lack of inspiration’.

That’s a truckload of gobbledygook.

Inspiration is good. It exists. But to think that the only time you can write is when you’re ‘inspired’ will severely limit your creative potential.
Start working on something…inspiration will come when you’ve started working!

8. The myth of brilliance
“But you’re good!” “No…I just write!” And that’s it. You don’t have to be brilliant to write. Just write, keep writing, and you will keep getting more and more brilliant.
Usain Bolt didn’t jump out the womb running. So…lace up!

9. The power of the Elders
There is power in associating yourself with elders. Elders might not necessarily be those that are older than you are, but also those that are more knowledgeable.
My parents, who I absolutely love,  respect, adore and cherish, supported me throughout this challenge.They were my biggest cheerleaders.
Everyone was shocked when they discovered that not just one, but BOTH my parents were on a group, interacting with several youths without detection for a long time.

They are just dope like that!

10. Drop your phone and live life.

11. Don’t stop.

12. Dream big
Let me get on my motivational tip for a minute.

“If you think you can achieve a dream, you’re not dreaming big enough! Every dream needs a team!”

I started out thinking that the 60 day challenge was something big. But I knew it could be done. The dream was probably too small.

Or maybe I just got bigger!

13. God is faithful!

14. I secretly dislike punctuation. That’s one of the reasons why i love poetry!

15. Remember Lara from Day 57: Found Love? Well, on Day 60, Andy finally decided he was sure and ready and asked her out.
She didnt waste any time.
You can guess what the answer was.
Yep…your guess is most likely right!

I hereby conclude my 60 day challenge by calling it…

60 Days of Awesome!

Day 59 Meeting Aa’ishah


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It was her.

She had to be the one. She had said she was in the mosque and she would meet me outside. This was about ten minutes after 9am. We had agreed to meet by 9, but I had to help a friend and I had informed her I’d be a few minutes late.

I called her number again. I smiled as the figure not too far in front of me picked her phone call. “Hello?” “Hello, Aisha, is that you?”

She turned around.

The first thing I noticed was the sneakers. Under the hijaab. I thought “Dope!” She was a tad taller than I had imagined, but every bit as jovial and creative. She wore glasses, but they did nothing to hide her bright eyes.

“Let me get my bag.” We talked as we walked all the way from Fajuyi Hall to Social Sciences basement, where we sat.

I was really excited to meet her, and i could tell the feeling was mutual. Actually, this was the very first time we’d ever be meeting in person, although we had corresponded a lot online. What happened was; Victoria hit me up on Whatsapp one day, all excited and everything. Like, “Fifun, I met this amazing girl yesterday. You have to meet her! Her name is Aisha. I went to visit a friend and she interviewed me. She made me talk!”

(And, if you know anything at all about Victoria, that’s a feat of wonder: getting her to talk at all. Talk less of the chances of that happening on your first meeting.)

I was intrigued, because even though we were chatting, her excitement was quite obvious. She gave me Aisha’s number and i got chatting with her.

I intoduced myself and where I got her contact from.

The first thing that struck me was the fact that she introduced herself as “Aa’ishah”. I have never, ever, ever seen that anywhere. All I ever see is Aisha. We got chatting, and the rest, as they say, is history.

So finally we met in person, and even though we both had other plans, we ended up talking for over two hours! Aa’ishah is a bundle! Energetic, inquisitive, willing and ready to learn, proudly Muslim yet religiously tolerant…a bundle!

We talked about a lot of things, love, relationships, implications of interfaith marriages…she actually said she wouldn’t mind if her husband wanted to marry another wife, as long as it was by agreement! Bold thinking! We talked about the educational system and how wack it is. She said she’d love to homeschool her children.

We talked about her kind of guy. “Honestly, dude, you’re good looking o, but I wouldn’t be attracted to you.” For lack of a particular feature which I won’t mention. I told her she was beautiful, if she didn’t mind me saying so. She blushed.

We talked about modesty and dressing. I asked her to educate me on the hijaab and niqab and she did. She told me the story of how she came to her decision to wear the hijaab and reactions she received from parents and friends.

We talked about writing. She said she hadn’t posted much of what she had written on the group I added her to because she felt most people wouldn’t relate. “Wait…why?” “Well, i dont like to seem like I’m pushing my beliefs in other peoples’ faces.” I encouraged her to write and express exactly who she was. “Those who get it will get it, don’t bother about the rest. Faith is very important. It’s the way we view the world, a lens through which we see, that colours our vision. You can’t hide it. So be proud of it. And…if you can’t defend or be proud of what you believe, then you probably don’t really believe it.
We talked about faith and freedom. I challenged her with my understanding of what freedom truly means. I told her I believe freedom can’t possibly be freedom if it has boundaries. I quoted a scripture, and surprisingly she said there was something similar in one of Islam’s books (not sure which, but I don’t think it was the Quran). I told her that, most times, we fail to understand the difference between freedom as it was conceived amd the exercise of freedom.

“What makes a man truly free is his ability to do whatever he wants. God created us as free moral agents, in his own image and likeness. That’s why he gave Adam the freedom to choose what he wanted to do. For example, if a citizen of a country is truly free, he is actually free to take up a gun and start shooting people. But that wouldn’t be a responsible exercise of his freedom. And there would be dire consequences. So, there’s freedom to do whatever we really want, but how we handle it is our responsibility. Uncle Ben said ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ Freedom, essentially, is power.”

We talked about stereotypes, we talked about love, we talked about forgiveness and patience, which she said she had issues with. I challenged her with my perspective on patience and forgiveness: “If, after all I’ve done, and still do, God forgives me, who am I not to forgive others. Besides, when you hold someone in your heart, what you’re really doing is holding yourself. It takes love to forgive. And love is a nature, the very nature of God.”

One amazing thing to me was how much we actually agreed on, even with our different worldviews.

She said she would love it if everyone on the 60 Day Writing Challenge group that was on campus could hangout sometime. I said I’d been thinking about it and would try to see if it could happen.

Eventually, around 11:45am, we decided to part. I told her it was really wonderful meeting her. She said she was glad to meet me too and she had really learnt a lot.

The end (of our meeting).

Day 59 Almost There


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Really, we’ve come this far?
It’s unbelievable to believe that a dream could ever become this large
Search among the stars
You’ll find us
Long distance is not really a minus
Gold dust is what we leave behind us
Legends, stout in our stance, but we fly like we high bruv
Lights off?
That’s when we shine like a light bulb
We light up every place we find us
We’ve got that fine touch

The goal we saw from afar
We sought from the start
Is now right in front of us
Drawing us to be part
The glory cloud
We can’t possibly end the story now
No! We most definitely can’t give up hope here
We’re almost there

Day 58 Legend (16 Bars)


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I hope you’re happy to simply watch what is happening
A legend on the map, be simply glad to have me
Pat me on the back
Distract me with my craft
Master procrastinator, create craters when I impact
Put my heart in my art, if things fall apart, I’m chilling
The centre still holds the real gold, be a part of the vision
Be a part of the mission
Enlarge the path I’m treading
Get in step, get ready
For the flight to the heights we expecting
The anointing in my voice is by choice of the Spirit
I’m annoyed by the boys making noise, calling it lyrics
So i boil with this oil and spoil the ointment with wisdom
Wind em up like a toy, till they got no choice but to listen
So listen up, don’t put your ears to the ground
It’s the rap minister, finish ya till you scared to come around
Run around in the town to sounds I barely envisioned
I’ll be proud to be found where they’re sharing the vision

Day 57 Found Love?


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“Brotherly, have you found love again?” Olamide asked as he flipped through pictures on his tab. “Love? If I hear say I find love as I dey so! Hmm! Baba! Love see me sef dey run!” I laughed nervously. He just smiled.

Samuel approached me with a rougish smile and squinted eyes. “Andy, e be like say you don get another babe.” “Wait…who dey yarn una all this kind gist sef? Me no know wetin una dey talk o!”

But I knew it. I’m that kind of guy. It’s always obvious. I’m not terribly emotional or romantic by nature, but you can usually tell when something is happening to me in that department. At least my brothers can. I’m a one-woman kind of man, so if you know me personally it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.

Olamide and Sam are two of my closest friends right now. I call them brothers, alongside Robinson, Femi, Ola, and some of my other brothers who knew about Debby and how the whole story went down.

Long story short, I had just suffered a terrible heartbreak. Call it a heart-break-up! Absolutely horrifying. But I was slowly recovering.

“Olamide, I don’t even know which way forward right now. You know, Akin has actually been making me reconsider that Debby might come back.” “Bro, don’t worry. After the cross country marathon, the way forward will be very clear.”

I remember talking it out with Mum. I asked her “What if Debby comes back?” “Ahhhhhhh…I would be sceptical. Very. And you know your Dad…he’ll just be looking at you.” “What about that girl you went to visit that time?” “Yomi? Oh! Lara! Forget, nothing can happen on that end.” “Hmm. You never can tell!” Dad asked, “So what’s up between you and Debby now?” “She moved on. She’s with James now.” “Cool!”

That was then. Now? It’s too obvious to deny. Lara is the closest one to my heart right now. We met last year, at the Sage Conference. Elegant, driven, spiritual, down-to-earth…short story long, generally my spec.

We talked today, you know, talked and played for about 6 hours. We had been not-so-subtly exploring the possibilities of what our friendship could become for about a week. “Andy…” “Yes dear?” “We’re just friends, right?” “Yeah.” She shared some deep parts of her heart with me and I with her.

“Why me?” she asked. I told her in my mind it was quite simple: friend, close friend, closest friend, lover. That was the natural progression for me. “Do you like Yele?” “Yele? No! We’re friends and that’s it. Why?” “I just observed some things, that’s all.”

“What can you do to convince someone that you love them?” “Basically, speak the person’s love language. And then there’s something that uttering that statement ‘I love you’ does. It affects everyone differently, though. There’s no substitute for it.”

“Lara, do you trust me with your heart?” “Yes.”

“Lara, I want someone who understands what love is. Love is not emotion, love is a decision. One day you’re going to wake up next to the person you married and not feel anything! What then? That’s when we know how you define your love. I want someone who understands what the word forever means.”

“So…Andy…are you ready to commit?” “Not yet.” “Why? Are you scared?” “No…it’s not that. I can never be scared to love. We were created to love. And it’s not Debby either. I’m over her. I just…I just need more clarity. But I want you to be sure of one thing. I’m young, but I’m too old for games, Lara. I’m a faithful man. You said you trust me with your heart, right? I won’t abuse that trust.”

Mum called and they spoke for the first time ever. She absolutely loved her, but then her insecurities resurfaced. “Lara…what’s on your mind?” “I’m just thinking of other guys’ mothers that I’ve spoken to and how it always ends badly.” I told her about how even after we broke up, I still spoke with Debby’s mum when she called me. We even still went out for dinner: me, Debby, Dad, Ade, Robinson, Akin and Senator Oke. Senator Oke is Dad’s friend. He was the one who insisted Debby should join us. And the night was awesome.

Benson called Lara to tell her that Fade had finally said “Yes!” I was happy for them, especially after she told me their story.

Then we prayed together for the first time ever tonight.

The last thing I remember saying to her was “I love you.”

And I meant it.

Day 56 Grace In The Jungle


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I don’t know how to start.

I don’t know how it all started.

One moment I was moving silently, stealthily through the market, the next moment found me on the floor, bruised, beaten, battered.

A rubber tyre hung around my neck like the jewels I took pleasure in dispossessing the unsuspecting wearers of.

I roused in alarm. Apparently I had fainted. Apparently I was now in deep, deep trouble. A crowd had gathered around me, chattering excitedly. “Thief!” “We finally caught you today!” “Burn him!”

I opened my mouth to protest, but the taste of kerosene being poured on me dried my tongue. My God! Is this the end for me? Is this it? Jungle justice! It wasn’t my fault that I had kleptomania in my genes. I was born this way! Believe me, I tried. I did. But I just couldn’t stop.

A menacing figure stood above me, the messenger of death, with a lighter in hand. I said my last prayer, hoping God would hear me.

That was when I saw him.

Apparently everyone else saw him too.

He was dressed in all white. He exuded an aura of authority. All eyes were on him as he said “Release him. Take me instead.”

They beat him, tore off his clothes. He took it all in stride, not once uttering even a sigh of complaint.

He took the very treatment I deserved.

And…I watched as they burnt him to ashes.

The tears couldn’t stop flowing. Normally I’m not one given to emotions, but today, they flowed freely. I cried like it was the last time I would have the opportunity to.

An hour passed.

Two hours.


Curious onlookers gathered as the ashes began to stir. Slowly, a figure rose from the ashes, shining brilliantly.

It was him!

While i was trying to decipher this mysterious happenstance, the head of the mob, the one who held the lighter, the dreadful masquerade and messenger of death reappeared.

“Hold it! What manner of tomfoolery is this? Oh!!! So, because you…” he was pointing at me, “…you knew he could never die, so you allowed him to take your place! Never!! You must die!”

“No!”, roared my Saviour. “He is dead already. A man can only die once, after that, what remains is the judgement. And I was judged in his place. Whoever I set free is free indeed.”

Day 55 Five-Five


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Not 55 as in fifty five
But 55 as in five-five
Double grace

Leaders of Spirit
Humans, with limits
On course for one cause
Of course, we’re all flawed
Perfected, limitless

We laughed, we cried
We heaved and sighed
Blood, sweat and tears
Love, here and there
The language of grace

Stories to be told
New alliances formed
Glories to behold
At the break of dawn
Victory is assured

To be a Frontliner
You don’t need to be a long timer
Just a passion for the body
Please be ready to be a Daddy or Mummy
To your brothers and sisters

The pressure!
Oh! The pressure!
You must deliver
Quality from the river
Diamonds emerge

It is God at work
We enjoy the best
Of chilling things

The value of influence
Foxes in pairs turned tail to tail
Set ablaze
Running wild in the fields

Great generals
We dare not sheath our swords
Ever represent the Zionate federal
As we go into the world
Shouting, “Grace! Grace!”

Day 54 Under My Skin


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She curled up right next to him on the three-seater.

His eyes were closed, and he hummed along to the song that filtered through the air. “I’ve got you under my skin” was the song. That deep, husky voice always gave her the shivers. But in a good kind of way. Placing her head on his chest, she looked up into his face, so peaceful, content and nearly oblivious of the world around him. Save the music of course.

And her.

She always had his attention. He always had her adoration. She wasn’t sure of a lot of things. But she was sure of one thing. He was the one. No…capitalize that…THE ONE.

The security, peace and contentment she felt when she was with him was incomparable. She knew he loved her, and she needed no assurances.

“Hmm? What did you say?”
“I said I wonder how you got under my skin.”
He smiled. And she melted for the thousandth time.
He tickled her, and she jumped off the couch. He gave chase and they began running around the living room, giggling like two preschoolers.

He caught her eventually, and they both tumbled to the floor, laughing hysterically.
“Do you know who wrote that song?”
“No, I don’t. Who?”
“I don’t know either!”
And they burst out laughing. It was an inside joke. Something that happened on the first night of their honeymoon. With all the clumsiness…so hilarious! But that was then.

“Have I ever told you that I love you?”
“Well, I do!”
“Forever. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Come on, silly! Don’t hope to die! What would I do with myself?”
“You would probably die in no time too. I’ve got you under my skin.”

Day 53 I Don’t Know


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Usually I’m the first to admit it
Now I don’t know

I find myself thinking about you a lot lately
But still I don’t know

I’ve been here before
Once, twice
Why I’m here again
I don’t know

I told my homeboy
You don’t plan it
It just happens
I don’t know

I told my homegirl
You gone fall hard when it hits you
She kinda agreed
But she says she doesn’t have time for that
Oh, but you have time for this?
Look, I don’t know

She kissed me
I kissed she
Should you believe me?
I don’t know

If I go down this path again
Where it will lead
I don’t know

Even Solomon
When asked
What exactly happens
Between a man and a woman
I don’t know

A lot can change in three days
All my brothers know this
How much baggage
Comes with this package
I don’t know

No pressure
Just natural progression
No messing around
I might be slow but I’m a go-getter
How long till I’m sure if you’re so special?
I don’t know

Sensible insensibilities
Nonsensical insensitivities
Are you kidding me?
I don’t know

Let’s enjoy this
While it lasts
But how long it will last
I don’t know

I sure don’t know a lot
But I’m sure of one thing
The Master’s plan
The Master Plan
I know enough
To trust Him
With everything
I don’t know